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Friday, March 31, 2017

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing arrives in Coco Island, cordially greets local people, staff families

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing meets departmental personnel and local residents in Coco Island Township.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing views production of coconut oil.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing views production of coconut products.

Nay Pyi Taw March 31

Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing left the No.3 Naval Jetty at Thanlyin Station at 4 pm yesterday onboard the frigate Hsinbyushin with frigate Aungzeya as the vanguard for Coco Island and arrived there at 9.10 am today. Senior General Min Aung Hlaing was accompanied by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San, Commanderin- Chief (Air) General Khin Aung Myint, senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in- Chief (Army) and officials. On arrival at the island, the Senior General and party were welcomed by Chief-of-Staff (Navy) Rear- Admiral Moe Aung and officials of the local Naval base headquarters.

At the headquarters’ farm, the Senior General and party inspected raising of Novogen Brown layers, DYL pig farming, dairy cow breeding, seasonal crop cultivation, greenhouse crop cultivation and milk and vegetables produced by the farm. They then inspected the rebuilding of Coco Island Development Camp in accord with its documented original design and paving of an earth road from the Coco Island round road to Kywet Island. They then viewed production process of pure coconut oil, arrangements for coconut charcoal production and the displayed coconut-based home decoration items including chandeliers at the Naval Region Command Headquarters’ production industry of coconut-based goods and house-hold items. They were conducted by officials.

The Senior General inspected the production of knickknacks made of coconut by Tatmadaw family members and locals. He next explained mass production of coconuts on Coco Island as there are over 40,000 coconut plants, the need to make coconut products more attractive for customers, making of more innovative products and systematic production.

Then, the Senior General met with service personnel, townelders and local residents at the hall of Coco Island Township.

The Senior General said he wanted to extend greetings while giving foodstuffs he brought to the people of Coco Island, adding that he had visited the region very often. During the first visit, requirements for living conditions of the local people were fulfilled as much as possible after he had learned their needs, said the Senior General. The town dwellers themselves need to work hard depending on the way they can earn to support their families. Agriculture is found thriving at Coco Island Naval Region Command Headquarters. Novogen Brown farm of the headquarters can distribute 35 percent of chicken eggs required for the local people at reduced prices. Moreover, DYL pig and dairy cow breeding, cultivation of seasonal crops in greenhouses and other crop plantations are successful. Therefore, under the leadership of the local authorities and townselders, the local residents must engage in agriculture and livestock breeding. There are a large number of coconut trees on Coco Island and about 400,000 coconuts are produced yearly to help improve family income. A lot of income can be earned in production of coconut oil from coconut, use of coconut dust as fertilizer and manufacturing of knickknacks with the use of coconut products in cottage industries. The Tatmadaw will help local residents carry out agriculture and livestock breeding tasks and coconut and coconut products industries. As natural resources will run out gradually, it needs to systematically grow more coconut palm plants. All the people should participate in keeping the town neat and tidy as well as building tasks in a conscientious manner. Thanks to collaborative efforts of the Tatmadaw and people, local residents will enjoy fruits of better socio economy.

Then, the Senior General presented packets of biryani and Shwepuzun cakes to local residents and families of service personnel through the township administrator.

Afterwards, Vice-Senior General Soe Win and Pyithu Hluttaw representative Thura U Thet Swe gave foodstuffs and gifts to officials.

Next, a townselder spoke words of thanks. The Senior General and party cordially greeted those present.

After that, the Senior General and party paid homage to Zina Marazein Pagoda. After offering flowers, water and oil lights, they went round the pagoda clockwise. The Senior General presented cash donation to the Pagoda Board of Trustees. Then, they took the Five Precepts from Abbot Sayadaw U Aggavamsa at Sasana Mandaing Monastery. Later, the Senior General and party donated offertories and cash for nine prerequisites to the Sayadaw.

The Myawady Daily

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