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Monday, August 17, 2015

Myanmar won the Destination of the Year in 2015

Yangon, August 17

TTG Travel Trade Publishing, in Singapore, chooses Myanmar as Destination of the Year in 2015, said Ministry of Hotels and Tourism on its reports on the facebook page.

This award will be given at the ceremony of the 26th Annual TTG Travel Awards which will be held in Bangkok, Thailand on October 1, 2015.

TTG Annual Travel Awards are given as of 1989 and Destination of the Year in 2015 for this year is won by Myanmar.

Myanmar was chosen to award this  prize because the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism implemented the projects throughout the nation with the highest qualification for the development of Tourism Industry in Myanmar.

TTG Travel Awards are given yearly organizations and nations from the Asia and Pacific Region.


The Myawady Daily, Page(18)


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