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Monday, September 17, 2018

Vice-Senior General Soe Win attends BIMSTEC Army Chiefs’ Conclave in Pune, Republic of India

Nay Pyi Taw September 17

Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice- Senior General Soe Win who has arrived in the Republic of India, attended the First BIMSTEC Army Chiefs’ Conclave held at (College of Military Engineering-CME)in Pune at 10 am Local Standard Time on September 15.

The Indian Army hosted the conclave.Also present at the meeting together with Vice-Senior General Soe Win were military representatives from BIMSTEC countries,Deputy Chief Operations Officer of the Royal Bhutan Army Brigadier Dorji Rinchen,Deputy Chief of Staff (Operations) Lieutenant General Choochart Buakhao of the Royal Thai Armed Forces, Chief of Army Staff of the Bangladesh Army General Aziz Ahmed,Commander of the Sri Lanka Army Lieutenant General NUMMW Senanayake and Chief of Army Staff of the Indian Army General Bipin Rawat.

At the conclave, General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of Southern Command of Indian Army Lieutenant General Dewan Rabindranath Soni, PVSM, VSM, extended greetings and delivered an opening address.Leaders of the delegations from BIMSTEC countries alphabetically participated in the discussions titled Possibility of Creating Viable Regional Security Architecture to Deal With Threats: Terrorism and Transnational Crime and had the working lunch.

Delegations exchanged views on promotion of security cooperation among armed forces of BIMSTEC countries for carrying out anti-terrorism and preventing transnational crimes, exchange of information and experiences, and ensuring secure, peace and tranquil region. After the conclave, the question and answer session was held. Then, they had documentary photos taken.

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