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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

KIA/TNLA insurgents attack rear battalion headquarters and Lashio-Muse Union Highway

Map shows the headquarters of a local battalion attacked by KIA insurgents.

Photo shows the house at the headquarters of a local battalion hit by the bullets.

Nay Pyi Taw January 3

Ignoring the aspiration of the entire people which is the eternal peace and opposing the peace program of the government and the Tatmadaw, KIA/TNLA insurgents are still upholding the armed struggle line under their long-term goals. And the insurgents launched heavy weapon and mine attacks against rear headquarters of the local battalions in Kachin State and Shan State (North), security camps along Lashio-Muse Union Highway and Muse 105th Mile Trade Zone during the middle and end of December 2017.

On 13 December evening, some insurgents fired heavy weapon rounds at the rear headquarters of a local battalion on Mantat town, Kutkai Township, Shan State (North), and the Tatmadaw troops returned the fire. During the incident, four 107-mm shells fell and exploded in the area surrounding the HQ.

On 23 December evening, KIA/ TNLA insurgents fired heavy weapon rounds at Lashio-Muse Union Highway near Mongyu Village in Muse Township. The explosions of the heavy weapon fire at Mongyu and Upper Tonkham villages killed a local ethnic people and a cow and also injured three more local ethnic people and 16 cows.

On 24 December afternoon, KIA/TNLA insurgents fired heavy weapon and small arm rounds at Yingwetaung camp and Nantkhaing camp in Kutkai Township and the headquarters of a local battalion in Nantphatka Town, that were taking security duty on Lashio-Muse Union Highway. On 26 December afternoon, they attacked Nantkhaing camp with heavy weapons and small arms. Hence, heavy weapon rounds fell and exploded in the surrounding areas of the camps, the HQ and the highway.

Likewise, KIA/TNLA terrorist insurgents attacked Muse 105th-Mile trade zone on 24 December morning and 31 December morning, people’s militia troops on security duty around Mongkoe near the bridge at the exit of the town on 25 December morning, beside the road to Mangyi and Kyukok villages, 1,500 metres west of Mongkoe on 28 December morning and on Muse-Namkham Road near Hselant Village of Muse Township in the afternoon on 30 December with the use of remote mines, landmines and home-made mines with attempts to cause travelling people injured.

Moreover, about 70 members of KIA terrorist insurgents opened fire at the headquarters of local military unit in Shaduzup Village in Tanai Township, Kachin State, from three positions with the use of heavy and small arms three times from about 6.30 am to about 11.30 am on 30 December. So, officers, other ranks and families of the headquarters carried out counter-attacks against them. In the incident, two Tatmadawmen sacrificed their lives for the State. On 28 December morning, a travelling vehicle was damaged in blast of one remote mine planted by KIA terrorist insurgents on Myitkyina-Hpakant Road, about 2,000 metres southeast of Dunbonkha Village in Hpakant Township. In the incident, one vehicle was damaged and two people injured.

As KIA/TNLA terrorist insurgents committed attacks with attemptsto panic the people, to destroy flow of commodities in the region and to ááfrom Page -18 be dangerous to families and children from the headquarters of the military unit, Tatmadaw columns speed up security measures for ensuring rule of law, and peace and tranquility of the region.


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