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Monday, February 15, 2016

Ywangan coffee get good price

Yangon February 15

Local coffee growers have started enjoying the benefits as coffee gets a higher price in the global market, Myanmar Coffee Association said.

The price of ripe coffee beans has increased to Ks 850 per viss in 2016 from Ks about 500 in 2015. The price of processed coffee has increased to Ks 4500 per viss in 2016 from Ks about 2500 per viss in 2015.

Local coffee gets a good price in the foreign market thanks to the change in production system. Myanmar coffee has good quality, taste and aroma. It did not get a good price in the international market due to the lack of good production practices.

So, the government, respective coffee association, coffee growers and manufacturers made collective efforts to penetrate into the global market.

Under that cooperation, coffee experts from the US conducted a course on coffee processing system and milling in Ywangan township of Shan state.

US coffee experts have recommended Myanmar coffee to entry into the world market at a level of 85 marks. Coffee companies from Malaysia and Thailand buy Myanmar coffee via local coffee growers and establish coffee factories.

Thanks to it, local coffee price has gone up. A Costa Rica coffee crop was introduced into the village of Ywangan back in 1985 as a substitute crop to the poppy.

It is widely grown in more than 100 villages in Ywangan Township. Ywangan Township alone produces over 700 tons of coffee. Coffee from Ywangan Township is being exported to China and Thailand. Soon, it will be exported to the South Korea. Japan also places an order for local coffees as it likes Myanmar coffee.

Kan Htoo

The Myawady Daily

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