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Wednesday, January 31, 2018

KIA insurgents cut off Myitkyina-Sumprabum-Putao road, abduct road workers

Photo shows destructive act of KIA insurgents who ordered workers to dig hole on the road near Ka Wa Pan Village. 

Nay Pyi Taw January 31

Kachin Independence Army (KIA) insurgents destroyed parts of the motor road linking Myitkyina, Sumprabum and Putao, and abducted road workers on 29 January. 

KIA insurgents arrived at the place of workers hired by Manpyi Tagun Co to repair the road section, around 4 am on 29 January, and coerced the backhoe driver (whose name is still under scrutiny) to dig 80-ft long, 18-ft deep, and around 12-ft wide hole near the old Htein Paing village at mile post No. 9/7, and 10-ft long, 18-ft deep and 20-ft wide hole near the old Nam Kham Kha village at the mile post No. 86, and 50-ft long, 18-ft deep, and 8-ft wide hole near the old Ka Wa Pan village at the mile post No. 81 in order to cut off the route. They also detained workers
and vehicles of Manpyi Tagun there and confiscated their mobile phones. 

The road is a hard gravel road and as there are only three feet wide space left on it because of the holes, it is currently unserviceable for cars, and only motorbikes and people can pass it through. Meanwhile, KIA insurgents are deployed on the road to prevent roadworks from being continued. KIA insurgents have continued destructive acts that hinder the development of the region, and Tatmadaw columns are conducting clearance operations in and around the area.


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