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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Provision of high-tech aircrafts, helicopters, and weapons must be carried out alongside step-by-step human resources development

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing delivers an address at the 68th Anniversary of Air Force (Tatmadaw-Air) and the ceremony to put new aircraft and helicopters of the Air Force into service.

The Senior General and party look around the photo booth and souvenir shops opened to commemorate the 68th Anniversary of Air Force.

Three transport helicopters salute the Senior General, flying the flags of army, navy and air force respectively

Nay Pyi Taw December 15

Human resources, weapon technology and financial power as well as discipline are required in modernizing the Tatmadaw to stand shoulder to shoulder with other armed forces around the world. Provision of high-tech aircrafts, helicopters, and weapons must be carried out alongside the step-bystep human resources development, declared Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing at the 68th Anniversary of Air Force (Tatmadaw-Air) and the ceremony to put new aircraft and helicopters of the Air Force into service at 9.30 am today at the Flying Training Base in Meiktila Station.In honour of the anniversary and ceremony, the Commander-in-Chief wore the uniform of the Air Force.

Also present at the ceremony were wife of the Senior General Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Joint Chief of the General Staff (Army, Navy and Air) Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Khin Aung Myint, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Vice-Admiral Tin Aung San, senior military officials of the office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), the Commander of Central Command, officers and rankers and family members of the station, and invited guests.

First, the Commander-in-Chief (Air) explained the commissioning of new aircraft and choppers.

In his address, the Senior General said five types of 37 air-craft, three types of nine choppers, have already been put into service of Tatmadaw (Air) on the five occasions including the present ceremony. Provision of modern military equipment as well as production of skilled operators of the military equipment is vital in modernizing and strengthening the Tatmadaw. As unit-wise combat prowess and firepower are required in building a standard army, soldiers of all supporting troops must improve their individual ability. The commissioning of new aircraft and choppers enhance the Air Force’s firepower to serve national defence duties fully. Pilots must fly the machines safely and effectively. In accord with the code of conduct “Love your weapon” they must handle the planes and choppers which are like the weapons of Air Force with great care in enhancing the virtues of Tatmadaw.

The history of Air Force proves its gallant efforts in crushing the alien intrusion and internal insurgency together with Army, Navy and the people. Tatmadaw’s history is indivisible with that of the nation.

In addition to defeating the Kuomintang (KMT) intrusion and Mujahid Kalazoe intrusion and internal armed insurgency, Tatmadaw served the national political duty which involves the task of safeguarding lives and property of people, serving the people’s interest, and taking part in regional development undertakings. The work of serving the national political duty amounts to serving the national cause. So soldiers must correctly serve the national defence duty, national political duty and the national cause.

Chief of Staff (Air) Brig-Gen Maung Maung Kyaw declared the commissioning of aircraft and choppers.

The Commander-in-Chief (Air) then presented gifts to the Senior General in commemoration of the 68th Anniversary of Air Force and putting new planes and helicopters into commission. The Commander-in-Chief (Air) also presented commemorative gifts to the Commander-in-Chief (Navy).

It was followed by celebrations of the 68th Anniversary of Air Force with the demonstrations of airplanes and helicopters.

Three transport helicopters saluted the Senior General, flying the fl ags of army, navy and air force respectively, followed by demonstrations of Vic Formation, Kite Formation, Composite Formation, and Arrow Head Formation.

It was followed by another round of stunt demonstrations-Chandelle, Mild Lazy 8, Loop, Aileron Roll, Barrel Roll, Maximum Banking Turn and Breaking Off.

Then, the Senior General and party freed 68 birds to mark the 68th Anniversary of the Air Force.

They then sprinkled scented water to the new airplanes and helicopters of the fleet before setting off fireworks of celebrations and posing group photos.

They then looked around the photo booth and souvenir shops opened to commemorate the 68th Anniversary of Air Force.

The Senior General then presented cash awards to pilots who took part in demonstrations and cordially greeted them.

The Senior General and party attended the dinner and enjoyed the variety show held in commemoration of the 68th Anniversary of Air Force at Flying Training Base.

Early morning meals were offered to monks and a military parade was held to mark the 68th Anniversary of Air Force under the aegis of the Commander-in-Chief (Air). (100)

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