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Monday, May 4, 2015

Myeik Archipelago can become a tourist destination in world

Myeik May 4

Myeik Archipelago becomes an interesting place for tourists and more and more backpackers are visiting it month by month, said an official from Ministry of Hotels and Tourism.

Moreover, Myeik Archipelago may become a tourist destination which can attract a lot of foreigners in the future, he added. 

"The number of tourists to Myeik Archipelago is 1158 in 2012, 2163 in 2013, and 2562 in 2014." said a hotel businessman adding that Myeik Archipelago shares the border with Pukhet Island, Thailand and there are a lot of prospects for the development of tourist industry.

Myeik Archipelago with 800 islands can become a tourist destination because of unspoiled beaches, natural coral reefs and traditional cultural heritages, but there are still diffi culties to come to Myeik Archipelago, said Ko Zaw Win, a veteran tourist guide.

Road transportation in Myeik Archipelago still needs to be mended and tourists have to book hotels in Myeik Archipelago before they come to Myeik Archipelago.

Currently, Tanintharyi Region Government is preparing to open 13 newly-built hotels and to implement hospital, airport, school, golf course and hotel project in Domal Island, Myeik Archipelago. (443)


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