Senior General Min Aung Hlaing poses documentary photo together with students in winning higher education level vocational university scholarship awards.
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presents prize and certificate of honour to the school administrative officer-in-charge of BEHS (Shwenattaung) for second prize of best pass rate.
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla cordially greet distinction winners and outstanding youths .
Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presents prize to Ma Khin Tint Tel Htet who won first prize in Pyinnya Tazaung Cartoon and Essay Contest.
Nay Pyi Taw July 25
As the dimension of knowledge knows no boundaries, the educationrelated progress stretches into infinity.Human resources development is of vital importance for the development of a country and the improvement of social-economy of the people. School education or the foundation of technological and technical knowledge is the core of human resources development, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in his address at the ceremony to honour soldiers, children of the Tatmadaw families and war veteran families who passed the matriculation examination for 2016-2017 academic year with fl ying colours and all-round outstanding youths held at Zeyathiri Villa, here at 1 pm yesterday.
Also present were Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General,Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win and wife Daw Than
Than Nwe, the Union Minister for Home Affairs and wife, the Union Minister for Defence and wife, the Union Minister for Border Affairs and wife, the Chief of the General Staff(Army, Navy and Air) and wife, the Commander-in-Chief (Navy) and wife, the Commander-in-Chief (Air)and wife, senior military officers of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and their wives, Chairman of Myanmar War Veterans Organization Central Executive Committee Lt-Gen Hla Min (Retired), the commander of Nay Pyi Taw Command, deputy ministers, prize-winning soldiers and students, parents, teachers and specially invited guests.
As regards the knowledge, the Senior General said today is called the Knowledge-Age in which science and technologies develop very fast.A man’s mind is steering all his words, actions, styles and deeds as taught by the Buddha according to the religious treatise. Knowledge controls the mind to differentiate between good and bad. Actions,deeds and efforts vary between one person and another depending on the level of knowledge. Likewise,success and progress of a country and a community spring from individual environment. Only the high population of intellectuals and intelligentsia or the human resources can bring national development and social-economic growth.
He continued to say that a nation’s development is measured with technological ability. In this limitless Knowledge-Age, global countries are facing challenges from constant political, economic, social,health and educational changes.Developed countries are trying to further accelerate their progress while developing countries are striving to stand shoulder to shoulder with world countries. So, youths who passed the basic education subjects with flying colours should pursue the ever advancing branches of knowledge with enthusiasm and perseverance through the higher learning.
As a saying which goes “Well done is half begun” foundation is of vital importance in all sectors.As the ones who passed the basic education, which can be said the initial stage of life, with flying colours, they should pursue education continuously and steadfastly not just for their own progress but also for the development of the country. Apart from science and technology, arts is also important for national development. Various fields of arts should be studied as it is essential for promoting thinking power, and the ability to understand human nature. A good self-control is a special requisite in the learning process. Success can be achieved only if the mind is controlled with intellectual power and vision.
With regard to the education sector, the Senior General said that the country’s future was in the hands of the youth generation of today.Countries in the world were making efforts to promote their education sector for development. Prolonged colonial legacy and weak peace and stability hampered the country’s development. As a result, the education standard of people was weak as they had to prioritize their livelihood rather than education. In turn, the country’s development and high socio-economic status of the people relied on the education sector which produced human resources.
Regarding the promotion of education sector, the Senior General said with the aim of producing qualified human resources, the country had introduced a free education system from primary to high school students. The Tatmadaw on its part had paid special attention to the works to promote the education standard of servicemen and their family members in order to help support the education promotion programme. The Tatmadaw was providing necessary assistance to all servicemen and their families who had a burning desire to pursue their education at Tatmadaw education schools and Tatmadaw basic education schools. The Tatmadaw provided them with physical assistance such as cash assistance, school uniforms, stationery, accommodation and transportation.In addition, the Tatmadaw organized them by giving mental encouragement so as to inspire them to pay attention to education. In education sector, higher education could not be learned without basic education. The country would lag behind in development if the country had a fewer number of educated people.
According to the educational figures from 2007 to 2017, the number of grade-1 students reached 1,198,494. In 2012, the number of grade-6 was 681,879. So the number of students who promoted from the primary to middle level had dropped by a half. Only 56.89 percent of primary students could promote to the middle level. In 2017, there was an enrollment of 133,536 matriculation students.Only 11.14 percent of KG students could continue their education and the remaining around 90 percent was found to be difficult to complete the basic education level.It
was common every year. That showed that the country needed to make strenuous efforts and lay down the correct policies for the education promotion which was a basic foundation for the country’s development.
He continued to say that the Tatmadawmen were unable to take care of their offspring closely and leave legacy to them. The only legacy they could give to their children was “education”. For better future,youths should make continued efforts to complete their education by bearing that point in their minds.He called on the Tatmadawmen to nurture their offspring to become the valuable ones for the country and the Tatmadaw. He also urged all Tatmadawmen and their families to promote their reading habit for intellectual knowledge.
Afterwards, Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Hsan Oo explained the facts about the prize-awarding to the outstanding servicemen, offspring of Tatmadaw families and offspring of war veteran families who passed the matriculation exam in 2016-2017 academic year, all-round outstanding youths, students who won the prizes in the State-level article, essay, painting, cartoon and poem competitions and students who won university scholarships for 2017-2018 academic year.
At the prize presentation ceremony,Senior General Min Aung Hlaing presented prizes and certificates of honour for best pass rate in 2016-2017 academic matriculation examination to school administrative officers-in-charge from Tatmadaw Basic Education High Schools and headmasters from Tatmadaw Education Schools under the Directorate of Public Relations and Psychological Warfare. In this regard, the first prize went to No 2 Basic Education High School (Mingaladon) Aung San Thuriya Hla Thaung School, the second prize to BEHS (Shwenatttaung)and the third prize to No 18 BEHS(Mandalay), and the first prize to No 2 Tatmadaw Education School,the second prize to No 3 Tatmadaw Education School and the third prize to No 11 Tatmadaw Education School respectively.
Then, the Senior General presented honorary medals, honorary prizes and certificates of honour to six-distinction winners in the 2016-2017 academic year matriculation examination to Maung Aung Kaung Thant Kyaw, son of Maj-Gen Teza Kyaw, Maung Lin Htet Swe,son of Brig-Gen Nyunt Swe, Maung Kyaw Htet Lu, son of Lt-Col Daw Hla Myat Wai, Maung Htet Aung Shein, son of Warrant Officer-II/Clerk Khin Maung Ni, Maung Aung Myo Kyaw son of Warrant Officer-II Hla Aung, Maung Swan Yi Win, son of Warrant Officer-II Zaw Lwin, Maung Nay Aung Win son of Warrant Officer-II Myo Myat Kyaw, and Maung Pyae Sone, son of Major Mya Thein Tun (Retd),Maung Khaing Min Nyo, son of Sergeant/Clerk Khin Maung Aye for winning the first prize in the State level basic education high school cartoon contest to mark the World AIDS Day, and Ma Khin Tint Tel Htet, daughter of Lt-Col Aung Htet Hein for winning the first prize in the Pyinnya Tazaung Cartoon and Essay Contest.
Next, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, wife of the Senior General, presented honorary medals, honorary prizes and certificates of honour to six-distinction winners Ma Thet Hsu Aung,daughter of Brig-Gen Tun Aung,Ma Hnin Sandi Oo, daughter of Colonel Nyo Myint, Ma Hsu Yadana Soe,daughter of Colonel Khin Maung Soe, Ma Hsu Thitsa Lwin, daughter of Lt-Col Hsan Lwin, Ma Nanda Lin, daughter of Lt-Col Zaw Lin,Ma Inn Gyin, daughter of Lt-Col Kyaw Soe, Ma Khaing Zin Lin,daughter of Lt-Col/Major Soe Min,Ma Chaw Thiri Zaw, daughter of Captain Daw Kay Thwe Win, Ma Hsu Lei Lei Po, daughter of Warrant Officer-II/Clerk Than Naing, Ma Hsu Myat Hnyun, daughter of Warrant Officer-II Lwin Aung Moe, Ma Htet Htet Oo Wai, daughter of Warrant Officer-II Kyi Toe, Ma Chaw Kalyar Myint, daughter of Sergeant Major Myint Lwin, Ma Eint Khet Wai,daughter of Sergeant Zaw Tun Oo,Ma Hnin Pwint Yadana, daughter of Technician-1 U Khin Maung Nyunt, Ma Su Larb Shoon Wai,daughter of Storekeeper-3 Daw Thein Thein Aye, and Ma Thiri Hsint, daughter of Col Lin Zaw Tun (Retd), Ma Hsu Thazin Hnin,daughter of Warrant Officer-II/Clerk Tin Tun Aung for winning the second prize in the basic education middle school painting contest to mark the World AIDS day.
Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Commander-in-Chief (Army) Vice-Senior General Soe Win presented honorary medals,honorary prizes and certifi cates of honour to six-distinction winners Maung Hein Thant Swe, son of Major Moe Swe (Retd), Maung Kaung Khant Kyaw Swa, son of Major Daw Khaing Khaing Myint(Retd), Maung Than Htaik San, son of Major Soe Naing (Retd), Maung Htet Wai Lin, son of Captain Khin Maung Tun (Retd), Maung Thukha Aung, son of Captain Tint Lwin(Retd), Maung Lin Khant, son of Captain Thet Tun Naing (Retd),Maung Aung Kaung Myat, son of Sergeant Maung Maung Thin(Retd), Ma Htet San Shoon Lei,daughter of Lt-Col Ba Oo (Retd),Ma Hsu Yati Htet, daughter of Lt-Col Myo Kyaw (Retd), Ma Hsu Pyae Hlaing, daughter of Major Ko Hlaing (Retd), Ma Khaing Pwint Phyu Soe, daughter of Major Khaing Soe Oo (Retd), Ma Inn Gyin Bo Bo,daughter of Major Khun Aung Myo Swe (Retd), Ma Hsu Myat Pwint Wai, daughter of Major Nyi Nyi Soe (Retd), Ma Khunn Hsint Wai,daughter of Major Mya Moe (Retd),Ma Saw Yu Yadana, daughter of Major Thit Lwin (Retd), Ma Kyi Sin Su, daughter of Major Kyi Khin (Retd), and Ma Shin Thant Shwe Yi, daughter of Captain Kyaw Zeya (Retd), and Ma Htet Nadi Aung, daughter of Warrant Officer-II/Clerk Aung Myat Myo(Retd) for winning the second prize in the State level article/essay contest.
Daw Than Than Nwe, wife of the Vice-Senior General, gave honorary medals, honorary prizes and certificates of honour to sixdistinction winners Ma Ei Nge Soe,daughter of Captain Kyi Nyan (Retd),Ma Ngwe Chu Kay Zin, daughter of Captain Tin Aung Ngwe (Retd),Ma Aye Chan Myint Mo and Ma Aye Chan Myat Phyo, daughters of Captain Htet Naing (Retd), Ma Thinza Shoon Lei Soe, daughter of Captain Tun Shein (Retd), Ma Lwin Thin Yanant, daughter of Captain Tun Lwin (Retd), Ma Yi Mon Thet Naing, daughter of Captain Thet Myo Naing (Retd), Ma Thet Htar Thuza, daughter of Captain Thein Htaik Win (Retd),Ma Khin Myo Chit, daughter of Captain Aung Kyaw Swe (Retd),Ma Thwin Hnin Shwe Sin, daughter of Captain Aung Thwin (Retd), Ma Hsu Thinza Oo, daughter of Captain Daw Wah (Retd), Ma Thanda Aung,daughter of Sergeant/Clerk Saw Htwe Aung (Retd), Ma Lal Nun Moi, daughter of Sergeant/Clerk Zar Hmoon (Retd), Ma Aye Thant Kyaw, daughter of Sergeant/Clerk Zaw Myint Aung (Retd), Ma Chaw Thinza Oo, daughter of Sergeant/Clerk Aung Kyaw Tun (Retd), Ma Khaing Zar Thu, daughter of Sergeant Hla Tun (Retd), Ma Chaw Hsu Thin, daughter of Corporal Ye Min Thant (Retd), and Ma Thiri Myint Swe, daughter of Lance Corporal Myint Swe (Retd) and Ma Wint Wady Lin, daughter of Major Aung Myo Htaik for winning the third prize in the (central level) painting and cartoon contest.
Afterwards, Union Minister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen Kyaw Swe presented honorary prizes and certificates of honour to 21 fivedistinction winners, Daw Win Win Maw, wife of the Union Minister for Home Affairs, 21 five-distinction winners, Union Minister for Defence Lt-Gen Sein Win 21 five-distinction winners, Daw Myint Myint Aye,wife of the Union Minister for Defence,22 five-distinction winners,Union Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Ye Aung 20 four-distinction winners and Daw Khaing May Kyu, wife of the Union Minister for Border Affairs, 20 four-distinction winners.
Chief of the General Staff (Army,Navy and Air) General Mya Tun Oo presented honorary prizes and certificates of honour to 20 fourdistinction winners, Daw Thet Thet Aung, wife of the General, 21 fourdistinction winners, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San 21 four-distinction winners,Daw Than Than Aye, wife of the Admiral, 21 four-distinction winners, Commander-in-Chief(Air) General Khin Aung Myint 21 four-distinction winners and Daw Aye Aye Than, wife of the General,21 four-distinction winners.
Next, Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) gave honorary prizes and certificates of honour to 20 three-distinction winners, Lt-Gen Than Tun Oo 21 three-distinction winners, Lt-Gen Aung Kyaw Zaw 21 three-distinction winners, Lt-Gen Min Naung 21 three-distinction winners, Lt-Gen Myo Zaw Thein 21 three-distinction winners and Lt-Gen Soe Htut 21 three-distinction winners.
Adjutant-General Lt-Gen Hsan Oo presented honorary prizes and certificates of honour to 23 distinction winner military personnel,Quartermaster-General Lt-Gen Nyo Saw 15 all-round outstanding students,Lt-Gen Aye Win of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) 15 all-round outstanding students,Lt-Gen Lu Aye 21 three-distinction winners, Lt-Gen Aung Lin Dway 22 three-distinction winners, Lt-Gen Tin Maung Win, 19 university scholarship award winners, Lt-Gen Maung Maung Aye 20 university scholarship award winners, Lt-Gen Thein Htay, 20 university scholarship award winners and Lt-Gen Min Naing, 20 university scholarship award winners.
After giving the prizes, sixdistinction winner Ma Shin Thant Shwe Yi, on behalf of the distinction winning and outstanding students and military personnel, spoke words of thanks.
Then, the Senior General and party posed for documentary photo together with the prize winning students and all-round outstanding youths.
After the ceremony, those present at the ceremony, prize winning military personnel and students,parents and teachers were served with foods. Meanwhile, the Myawady modern band played the youth honorary songs.
After the entertainment, the Senior General and party cordially greeted prize winning military personnel and students, and parents.
At today’s prize presentation ceremony, gold medals, prizes and certificates of honour were presented three best pass rate winning Tatmadaw Basic Education High Schools and three best pass rate winning Tatmadaw Education Schools, 23 one-distinction winner military personnel, 59 six-distinction winner offspring of Tatmadaw families,war veterans and military personnel-substitute civilian servants,85 five-distinction winners, 169 four-distinction winners, 168 threedistinction winners, 30 State-level all-round outstanding students, five winners in the State-level article/essay contests, 81 students of Tatmadaw families and war veterans in winning higher education level vocational university scholarship awards and six winners who could not attend the ceremony due to various reasons,totalling 620. Likewise, K90,000 per one distinction was awarded in distance to 877 one-distinction winners and 1,116 two-distinction winners, offspring of Tatmadaw families and war veteran families with the cash donations of wellwishers.
The prize presentation ceremony has been held since 2011-2012 academic year for honouring the outstanding military personnel and offspring of Tatmadaw families and those of war veteran families in the matriculation examination and offspring of military personnelsubstitute civilian servants. This year’s ceremony was the sixth time of its kind. So far, gold medals and cash awards were presented to 223 six-distinction winners,436 five-distinction winners, 757 four-distinction winners, and 843 three-distinction winners in total. As higher education level vocational university scholarship awards were given to the outstanding students beginning 2014-2015 academic year, monthly stipends are being provided to 72 students in 2014, 86 in 2015, 82 in 2016 and 81 in 2017,totalling 321. Among them, outstanding military personnel and all-round outstanding youths have been sent abroad as excursion trips since 2013. This year, the foreign trip for excursion will be arranged this year.
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