
Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Myanmar-Thai HLC meeting will further strengthen trust, mutual understanding and friendship

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and Chief of Defence Forces of Royal Thai Armed Forces Gen. Surapong Suwana-adth exchange emblems.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and Chief of Defence Forces of Royal Thai Armed Forces Gen Surapong Suwana-adth pose for documentary photo together with delegation members.

Nay Pyi Taw August 30

Myanmar and Thailand are good neighbours having the historical traditions of long and durable relations. At present, the bilateral relations between the two armed forces and two countries have reached the highest point.

We fully believe that the meetings will further strengthen trust, mutual understanding and friendship, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in his opening address at the 5th Thailand-Myanmar High Level Committee-HLC Meeting held at AVANI Khon Kaen Hotel & Convention Centre in Thailand this morning.

Also present together with the Senior General at the meeting were Lt-Gen Than Tun Oo, Lt-Gen Min Naung, Lt-Gen Soe Htut, Lt-Gen Hsan Oo and Lt-Gen Nyo Saw of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) and senior military officers and Myanmar Military Attaché (Army, Navy and Air) to Thailand Brig-Gen Khin Zaw. Attending the meeting together with Chief of Defence Forces Gen. Surapong Suwana-adth of the Royal Thai Armed Forces were Vice Chief of Defence Forces Gen. Theppong Tippayachan and senior officers of the Royal Thai Armed Forces.Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and Gen. Surapong Suwana-adth delivered opening addresses.

Gen. Surapong Suwana-adth in his address said Thailand and Myanmar which are two good neighbours have cooperated in cultural and other sectors. The two neighbours have also implemented the bilateral cooperation undertakings and development projects and made joint investments. In addition, the two countries have exchanged visits of the leaders of the government and the Tatmadaw. At present, it can be seen that two armed forces between the two countries have been strengthening trust and friendly ties while solving problems under the cooperation plans. He expressed his belief that holding the meetings would be better in cooperation between the two armed forces of the two countries.

Senior General Min Aung Hlaing said Myanmar and Thai armed forces are cementing trust and friendly relations between the two countries and the two armed forces by holding the High Level Committee Meetings, regional level border committee meetings and township level border committee meetings regularly. Moreover, navies and air forces of both countries hold regular meetings and then promote cooperation between them. The best situation in relations and cooperation has been built between the two armed forces, and strenuous efforts will be made for improving the situation with momentum. As the meeting is of importance for property and security issues of the people of two countries, the Senior General expressed his hope that it will bring peace and stability to the border region between the two countries and good benefit to the residents from the border region.

Afterwards, Commander of 3rd Army Area Lt. Gen. Vijak Siribunsop explained results of the 31st Regional Border Committee Meeting while HLC Secretary Lt. Gen. Kumron Kearwichyajane clarified cooperation between the two armed forces.

Next, Chairmen of the 5th Thailand-Myanmar High Level Committee Meeting the Senior General and the Chief of Defence Forces of the Royal Thai Armed Forces approved the topics discussed at the meeting.

Then Senior-General and Thai Chief of Defence Forces delivered concluding remarks, signed and exchanged the agreement of the 5th Thailand-Myanmar High Level Committee Meeting. The two then exchanged emblems and posed for documentary photo together with attendees. The Senior General and the Thai Chief of Defence Forces had lunch together.

The joint secretarial meeting of 5th Thailand-Myanmar High Level Committee Meeting was held from 24 to 27 August in Thailand’s Bangkok. The meeting discussed cooperation between Thailand and Myanmar armed forces, academic and training, military medical services, exchange of goodwill visits, holding sports events, exchange of military cultural groups, cooperation in disaster management, fi ght against drug and arms smuggling, counterterrorism, and border security. Myanmar will host the 6th Myanmar-Thailand High Level Committee Meeting in 2018.


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